Toy libraries
Stokes Valley Toy Library
A collection of small plastic animal and people toys

At Kōraunui Stokes Valley Toy Library we provide a large range of toys that meet the developmental needs of children aged from 0-8 years old. To hire toys you need to sign up and become a member.

For more information, please go to our Facebook page. To speak directly to a committee member please email us on

Please note membership and toy hire is only available at Kōraunui Stokes Valley Community Hub.

Membership fees

Our membership fees are $65 per year and $50 for 6 months.

Operating hours

We have a specialised Toy Librarian who is available Tuesday 11am-11.30am, Thursday 11:30am-12noon, Friday 4pm-5pm and Saturday 10am-12pm. Outside of these hours you can only return toys to the hub.